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What is the Working Group

What is the Working Group

The ECR-Net is driven by the Working Group (WG). This is a core group of ECR volunteers and the elected ECR representative within the Executive Committee. The WG operated on ad-hoc initiatives of individual members, but to ensure sustainability towards the future, recently we have implemented a switch towards specific task allocation and a systematic WG Membership turn-over.

The active group is composed of 8 to 10 members. [ ] indicate current approximate roles

  • Representative to the IAVCEI Executive Committee (EC) [Joali Paredes]

The Early-Career member of the EC is elected for a 4-year term by the IAVCEI membership ahead of IAVCEI/IUGG conferences. The ECR-Net WG currently considers this person as a de-facto member of the ECR-Net WG and its representative to the EC, i.e. a direct liaison, and that person reports on EC discussions and decisions with implications for ECR to ECR-Net, and communicates advice and standpoints from the ECR-Net WG to the EC.

  • Co-representative [Alex Iezzi and Omari Graham]

Two co-representatives lead the WG to ensure sustainability, organize recurrent virtual WG meetings (every 2-3 months). One co-rep will propose meeting agendas and chair the meetings. The other co-rep will take notes during meetings and circulate meeting report drafts. The co-reps will lead the writing of the yearly ECR-NET activity report and submission to the EC. Additionally, the co-representatives assist the representative to the EC and the ECR membership of IAVCEI. Co-reps are preferentially from different regions to ensure one of them is present at any virtual WG meeting regardless of time zones.

  • Treasurer [Hannah Buckland]

The Treasurer centralizes the financial means, sponsorship and support from IAVCEI EC and private sponsors, and assists local organizers in funding and reimbursing the expenses of events organized or sponsored by the ECR-Net WG. Funds are held in their private accounts, or in coordination with IAVCEI’s Secretary. The Treasurer maintains a financial table and reports on the yearly budget in the yearly report to the EC.

  • Email and Webmaster [Jamie Farquharson and Geoff Lerner]

The webmaster centralizes all ECR-Net WG membership information and keeps the content of the ECR-Net webpage on IAVCEI’s website up-to-date. This person will be also responsible, together with one of the co-representatives for monitoring the ECR-Net e-mail account and responding to messages in a timely manner, as well as managing the hygiene of the account (e.g. e-mail sorting).

  • Social media manager [Kyriaki Drymoni and Silvia Vallejo]

Preferentially 2-3 WG members are responsible for social media activity (Twitter, facebook) by recurrently posting or retweeting of messages useful to IAVCEI’s ECR membership, running online polls, advertising ECR-Net events and initiatives, and reaching out to our community in a frequent manner.

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity representative [Geoff Lerner and Thystere Bantidi Matondo]

The EDI rep works to ensure all IAVCEI ECR-Net activities are inclusive, and works with the IAVCEI ECR-Net liaisons to other associations and local organizing committee’s to share best practice and promote EDI values in the wider volcanology community. The EDI rep helps guard regional representation in the WG during turn-over of WG members.

  • Liaison to local organizing committee (IAVCEI, CoV) []

At least one member of the ECR-Net WG will be also a member of the Early-Career subcommittee in the local organizing committee of upcoming IAVCEI or CoV conferences. The ECR-Net WG assists them in organizing an Early-Career program within those conferences, and the liaison person facilitates organization of ECR activities by ECR-Net at those conferences.