2023 Activities

IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023 in Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand

After being postponed (twice!), the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly was held in Rotorua in January. More details can be found at the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly website. The ECR-Net working group organised several events, including a documentary screening, a careers panel, and a panel on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. The working group also co-facilitate a virtual quiz, run by the ECR Volcano Reading Rendezvous.


A pre-conference workshop gave ECRs the opportunity to hear from and interact with a range of experts with different career trajectories.

Fire of Love

ECR-Net facilitated a social event structured around the screening of the documentary Fire of Love (2022), about renowned French volcanologists Katia and Maurice Krafft.

Volcanologists—who are we and where are we going?

ECR-Net facilitated an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) panel discussion event, based on the recent open-access article by Janine Kavanagh and others: Volcanologists—who are we and where are we going?. The article reflects on “the progress of EDI in volcanology by presenting data related to memberships of international volcanology organisations, positions on volcanology committees, volcanology awards and lead-authorship on volcanology papers”. It provided a springboard for enthusiastic discussion in a packed room.

28th IUGG General Assembly in Berlin, Germany

IUGG (the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) is an umbrella organisation of eight associations, including IAVCEI. General Assembly meetings are usually held once every four years. This year marked the first time that early-career events were organised at the executive level: this included a social event and an IUGG “Big Theme” on Early Career Scientists – Needs, Wishes and Demands. ECR-Net working group members helped organise the cross-association social event—food! beverages! networking!—and facilitated a semi-formal survey of attendees perspectives on a range of early career topics. These data were used to structure the inter-association panel discussion the next day. A panellist from IAVCEI was present, and ECR-Net representation in the audience made sure IAVCEI’s perspectives were included in the discussion.

Some photos from the social event

Some photos from the panel discussion

The IUGG General Assembly is also when the IAVCEI annual general meeting is held. The new Executive Committee was welcomed in, including Dr Joali Paredes, who joins as the Early Career member of the IAVCEI Executive Committee.

IAVCEI ECR-Net Research Masterclass Series Part 1:
How to write a research paper

The first of the IAVCEI ECR-Net Research Masterclass Series was “How to write a research paper.” Our experts, Dr Cath Jex and Prof. Michael Heap, outlined the basics of manuscript structure and methods for converting research results into a research article. Watch this space for a video recap!

About the Experts

Dr Cath Jex

Dr Cath Jex is the Editor-in-Chief of GEUS Bulletin, based in Denmark. Dr Jex has a background in paleoclimatology, and is an expert in science writing and communication. As well as experience helming a scientific journal, Dr Jex has spent time as a freelancer for Nature Research Editing Service and frequently blogs about science communication and open access. Find out more here: https://cathjex.com/

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Prof. Michael Heap

Prof. Michael Heap is is a professor at Université de Strasbourg, France,  working on rock deformation, volcanology, and related themes. Prof. Heap has published ~200 peer-reviewed papers, and also has experience as an editor for multiple Earth science and volcanology-focussed journals. Find out more about Prof. Heap’s research here: https://ites.unistra.fr/recherche/equipes/ge/ge-perso/mike-heap.

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