Early-career researcher plenary session application
We are happy to announce that there will be TWO opportunities to showcase Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and their work at the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2025! The ECR plenary session is new to IAVCEI and was first implemented during the 2023 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly meeting with a resounding success. For the upcoming conference, we continue this new tradition and add even more time for ECRs to highlight their research in a special dedicated session.
The first opportunity: Plenary Session
In addition to the typical senior plenary sessions, a half-hour session will also be held each day to showcase excellent early-career researchers. One researcher will showcase their work in each half-hour session. There will be a total of 4 ECR plenary speakers throughout the week. The proposed topic should be in addition to an abstract submission and should be broader in scope than a typical conference presentation. We are particularly interested in topics that complement the senior plenary presentations (listed below), though presentations on all volcanological topics are welcome!
- Recent unrest at Taal Volcano, Philippines; insights from a complex geological and social environment (Mariton Bornas)
- The laws of magma propagation by diking and what we can learn about volcanoes by applying them (Eleonora Rivalta)
- Minerals, fluids, metals and mining – what might the future of resourcing a sustainable world look like? (Richard Herrington)
- The dynamics of volcano-hydrothermal systems – hazards, energy and mineral resources, and extreme forms of life (Shaul Hurwitz)
The second opportunity: The Future of Volcanology
In addition to the plenary sessions, there will also be a 30-minute session each day titled “Theme 8: The Future of Volcanology”. This is an excellent opportunity for ECRs to discuss how they push the boundaries of our current understanding of volcanology with their research and what the future of volcanology may look like! In this session, we invite applications for two 15-minute presentations each day, for a total of 8 speakers throughout the week.
For both of these opportunities, the researcher must have a PhD and be within 8 years of finishing their PhD or hold a professional job and have less than 8 years of professional volcano-related research experience. This time does not include parental or other relevant leave, with the 8 years counted up to 2025. We particularly encourage applications from historically under-represented groups. Please note that you must be attending in person to be considered and consider applying
for travel support grants (https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/travel-grants/). Applications are DUE on December 20th, 2024 and should be submitted via email to Alex Iezzi at aiezzi@usgs.gov, Sandy Drymoni at kyriaki.drymoni@min.uni-muenchen.de, and/or Joali Paredes-Mariño at joa.paredes.marino@auckland.ac.nz. If you want to apply to both session types, please submit two applications. A person can give a talk in a maximum of one of these sessions, which will be decided by the selection committee.
We ask for:
- Completion of the self-nomination application form which includes a summary of the intended topic, a list of supporting lead-author papers, and a motivation statement on why you should be chosen.
- A short CV (max. 2 pages) including your education and employment history.
Download the self-nomination application form below:
The review process will take into consideration the following points:
- Significance of your research
- Novelty of your proposed talk
- Application and communication of your research with the wider community
The review panel will also ensure that there is a gender, topic, and nationality balance in the speakers chosen.
For any questions about the ECR plenary session and application process please email Alex Iezzi at aiezzi@usgs.gov, Sandy Drymoni at kyriaki.drymoni@min.uni-muenchen.de, and/or Joali Paredes-Mariño at joa.paredes.marino@auckland.ac.nz.
IAVCEI ECR-Net Research Masterclass Series Part 2:
How to review a research paper
The second of the IAVCEI ECR-Net Research Masterclass Series was “How to review a research paper.” The peer-review process is a essential pillar of the scientific process, but it can be a mystery to many, especially for ECRs who may not have had the opportunity to formally review many research articles. Our experts, Dr Rebecca Neely and Prof. Karoly Nemeth, outlined the fundamentals of the scholarly review process, and provided guidance on how to conduct a fair and constructive review!
The 4-hour event was hosted on Zoom on 10th September 2024.
About the Experts
Dr Rebecca Neely
Dr Rebecca Neely is a Senior Editor for Nature Communications, based in London, UK. Dr Neely has a background in geoscience, with a PhD in Geology and Geochemistry from the University of Iceland. Previously an editor at Nature Geoscience, Dr Neely Rebecca now handles papers in solid Earth science and geochemistry for Nature Communications, evaluating submitted manuscripts and facilitating the peer review process. Find out more here: https://www.nature.com/ncomms/editors.
![Content Rebecca Neely](https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/content/uploads/sites/9/2024/09/content_rebecca-neely.jpg)
Prof. Karoly Németh
Prof. Karoly Németh is is a professor at Saudi Geological Survey, adjunct professor at Massey University (New Zealand), and senior research scientist at the Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science in Hungary. Prof. Németh is in the top 1% of reviewers in geosciences, according to publons, plus has experience as an editor in discipline-specific journals. Find out more about Prof. Németh’s research on volcanic geology, volcanic hazards, geoheritage and more here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karoly-Nemeth-2.
![Karoly Nemeth Portrait](https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/content/uploads/sites/9/2024/09/karoly_nemeth_portrait.jpg)
Cities on Volcanoes 2024 in La Antigua, Guatemala
ECR-Net will be active during the COV12 meeting in Guatemala, which will run from February 11–17 2024. More details can be found at the COV website. The ECR-Net working group will be organising a bilingual mentorship event, to which all ECRs are welcome. There will be a career advice from mentors on a variety of topics.
When? Tuesday 13th February, 18:45–20:00 CST.
Where? Room San José (Hotel Porta), La Antigua, Guatemala.
ECR-Net estará activa durante la reunión COV12 en Guatemala, que se llevará a cabo del 11 al 17 de febrero de 2024. Pueden encontrarse más detalles en el sitio web de COV. El grupo de trabajo de ECR-Net organizará un evento de tutoría bilingüe, al cual todos los ECR son bienvenidos. Habrá asesoramiento profesional de mentores sobre una variedad de temas.
¿Cuándo? Martes 13 de febrero, de 18:45 a 20:00 h CST.
¿Dónde? Sala San José (Hotel Porta), La Antigua, Guatemala.
![Flyer Es](https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/content/uploads/sites/9/2024/02/flyer_es-724x1024.png)
![Flyer En](https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/content/uploads/sites/9/2024/02/flyer_en-724x1024.png)